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1. Blac - Is the ideal of your year around scent. It’s sweet yet salty with an oceanic presents.

2. Island Mango -Is a tropical blend of fresh mango, papaya and coconut shavings.

3. Vanilla- Is your basic blend of vanilla beans. It is a sweet scent that creates a very calming


4. Ocean - A nice blend of salt water with soft floral notes. It reminds you of the smell from an

upscale spa.

5. Twisted Mint - Is a perfect blend of grapefruit and mint.

6. Cotton- Is a mix of freshly washed linen with a cozy feel.

7. Jamaica Me Crazy - Is an explosion of tropical fruits with a rum blend.

8. Paradise - Is a sweet blend of pineapple ,berries, mango zest, passion fruit and green

apples that has a very tropical aroma.

9. Berry Orange- Is a fresh citrus aroma with a hint of freshly peeled orange with an

undertone of raspberries.

10. Caribbean Teakwood - Is a masculine blend of sandalwood and amber with a dark musk.

11. Breeze- Is a nice blend of lily, juicy fruit and a heart of jasmine with a earthy undertone.

12. Vibrant Citrus - A nice blend of your citrus fruits which include grapefruit, lemon, citron and

mandarin blend with touches of peaches, and oranges that brings a brightness to the



Candles - A cylinder of wax with a central wick that is lit to produce light as it burns.

Reed Differs - Is a liquid air freshener in a narrow necked bottle with a long sicks inserted into

the liquid. the stick / reed absorb scented liquid from container and release fragrance into

surrounding air.

Incense Sticks - Is a think stick with fragrance that will burn once it has been lit.

Wax Melts - Small scented soy wax that is designed to be gently heated to release fragrance

which has a flame free option.

Air Freshener -Is designed to mask or remove unpleasant room odor once sprayed into the air.

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